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Weekly Announcements 


Grace Lutheran Church         2919 Miccosukee Road        Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 877-5423    Email:     Web:

Facebook: @mygracelutherantally         Twitter: @mygracelutheran



(Click here to download a copy of the Sunday bulletin announcements.)


THE CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED on Wednesday, January 22, due to the severe winter storm that is forecast for our area. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call Pastor Jenn on her cell phone at 850-800-7197.


HELP WITH FOOD NEEDED. On Thursday, January 23, Grace will host the Tallahassee Interfaith Clergy Luncheon. We need to provide food. If you are able to provide a casserole, salad or dessert, please contact Mary Grant at 609-602-0155 or


WE OFFER TWO WORSHIP SERVICES ON SUNDAYS, a 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Service and an 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service.


THE CHANCEL FLOWERS are given by Pastor Jenn and Rob, in memory of loved ones.


JOIN US IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL between the services for refreshments and fellowship from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Hosted this week by the Fellowship Committee.  


HOSTS ARE NEEDED FOR SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP HOUR. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall. There are two options, either fully host a Sunday, or sign up to only drop off food and the Fellowship Committee will take care of the rest. Contact Mary Grant if questions, 609-602-0155 or Note: If you leave a food or drink donation, please leave your name so we know who provided it.


ANNOUNCEMENTS DEADLINE. Announcements are due in the Church Office by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday.  Please email announcements to Lisa at


THE 2025 FLOWER CHART is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sign up to host chancel flowers. Cost is $36 per arrangement. After the 2nd service ends you may take them home to enjoy.


2025 OFFERING ENVELOPES. For those that use offering envelopes, your envelope number may have changed effective January 1, 2025. Be sure to write in your name on your envelope each week to ensure your offering is correctly credited during this transition. If you were not assigned envelopes but would like to have a box, contact Lisa at


SIGN UP IN THE LOBBY, COME WITH US TO AN FSU WOMEN’S BASKETBALL GAME! We will have a brown bag lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, February 9, and then head to the Tucker Center for an afternoon of ACC Basketball. The FSU Seminoles Women's Basketball team meets the NC State Wolfpack (ranked in top 25) at 2:00 p.m. It promises to be an exciting game! We will purchase General Admission tickets and sit in Section 109, which is above the entrance where the FSU team enters and exits the court. For more info, please contact Nick Gandy at and as always, Go Noles!


THANK YOU to all who participated in our ELCA fundraiser this year. $120.00 has been designated to buy honey bees to support families and healthy bee populations, providing honey to eat and beeswax to be transformed into handcrafted soaps/candles allowing 6 families to start a small business selling their products. These bees also boost crop growth on the farms, pollinating plants everywhere they go.  


TEXTALK is Tuesday from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Join us in person or online via Zoom. An email will be sent with this week’s link, for those planning to join us online.


WOMEN’S GROUP GATHERS on fourth Tuesdays. We will gather next on Tuesday, January 28, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.


MANNA ON MERIDIAN. Volunteers are needed! Next Distribution Day is February 15. Contact Penny Rusinko at or 507-213-7246 with questions or to sign up.


MEN’S GROUP MEETS every third Monday from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Next meeting is February 17.


QUILTERS meet on third Thursdays. Next meeting is February 20, 2024, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.


IF YOU NOTICE anything that needs to be replaced or fixed, please let your church council president Randi Buehner, or property committee members Elisa Casey or Peggy Stevens know.



Jan 26:     Melinda Young



Jan. 26:     9:00 Nick Gandy               11:00 Kathy Sanguinet

Feb. 2:       9:00 Gary Rusinko            11:00 Karen Bradley

Feb. 9:       9:00 Janet McPherson     11:00 Elisa Casey

Feb. 16:     9:00 Bill Pomidor              11:00 Mary Eichin

Feb. 23:     9:00 Nick Gandy               11:00 Tina Frese



Jan. 26:     9:00 Janet McPherson  11:00 Marilyn Harper, Abi Hudson

Feb. 2:       9:00 Gary Rusinko         11:00 Don and Judy Blancett

Feb. 9:       9:00 Janet McPherson  11:00 Paul Schneider, Kathy Van Loo

Feb. 16:     9:00 Dean Gatzlaff        11:00 Randi Buehner, Mary Eichin

Feb. 23:     9:00 Mary Grant            11:00 Marilyn Harper, Abi Hudson



Jan. 26:     Debra & Jim Nelsen, George Ohlin

Feb. 9:       Randi Buehner, Dave & Mary Grant

Feb. 23:     Mark & Priscilla Heidorn, Janet McPherson



9am: Mary Grant, Dean & Kathy Gatzlaff

11am: Marilyn Harper, Maria Heidorn, Priscilla Heidorn.



9am: Sue Homant, Dean Gatzlaff

11am: Brent Kallestad, Kathy Van Loo, George Ohlin





Prayer requests should be sent to Lisa in the church office for inclusion on this list. All requests run for four weeks at a time. If a name should continue to be on the list after that time, please contact Lisa again to continue the request for another four weeks. Thank you!


This week at Grace, please remember in prayer:


Bishop Brenda Bos, Tim Shuba, Jim Moyers, Lissette Fernandez, Dave Grant, Danny Swan, Debbie Kinsey, Debra Nelson, Melinda Young, Scott Littlefield, Susan Crolla, Martha Manning, Chris Szymanski, Jamie McDavid, Jim Banks, Nancy Banks, Buddy Dewar, Reed Kallestad, Joe McRory, Diane Swan, Virginia Dix, Amanda Littlefield, Kyle Lewis; Bev and Eddie Vertuno; Irene and Dan Poole; Maria Eckard and family. 


The people impacted by the fires in southern California; the people in Israel and in the Gaza Strip, and for peace throughout the Middle East; the people of Cuba; the people of Haiti; the people of Ukraine; the people of Grace Lutheran Church and our Congregational Council; St. Stephen Lutheran Church and Pastor Tom Holdcraft; the Florida-Bahamas Synod and our Bishop, Pedro Suarez; the ELCA and our Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton.


Please also lift up:


All the nations of the world and their leaders, that your wisdom, justice and peace may guide their actions; victims of gun violence; victims of hate crimes. The sick, suffering and dying; the homeless and the hungry; military personnel and their families; first responders; those who are incarcerated; all those whose needs are known only to God.



Grace Lutheran Constitution

Use the button below to access the 2020 updated Constitution. Please be patient, it may take a few minutes to load.

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