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Because of the downturn in the economny, the need for food assistance is increasing dramatically. People who have always been able to take care of their families are now faced with additional challenges. Manna on Meridian has been established to distribute food and clothing to our neighbors in need. We are grateful to the members of Faith Presbyterian, Grace Lutheran, St. Stephen Lutheran, Saint Paul's United Methodist, and Unitarian Universalist churches who make this ministry possible.

Manna on Meridian distributes food and clothing on the 3rd Saturday of each month, 9-10 a.m., from the building behind the church office parking lot at Faith Presbyterian Church.

There are several ways you can help Manna on Meridian, please visit our website to learn more.


Manna On Meridian



Founded by Lutherans in the United States, grounded in Lutheran theology and building on decades of experience, LWR exists so that U.S. Lutherans may serve their neighbors overseas who face poverty, injustice and human suffering.


Consistent with the Lutheran tradition, we work with people based on need, 
regardless of race, religion or nationality.


We do not evangelize, focusing instead on serving our neighbors. We do not use religion as a factor in hiring, partner selection, or program implementation. We focus on the highest possible quality staff and partners, and measurable results of our programs.


Lutheran World Relief



Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Relay is staffed and coordinated by volunteers in more than 5,200 communities and 27 countries. Volunteers give of their time and effort because they believe it's time to take action against cancer.


Join us at these events to bring communities together to remember loved ones lost, honor survivors of all cancers, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer.


Relay For Life

Capital Area Justice Ministry


The mission of the Capital Area Justice Ministry is to work together over the long haul to build a powerful community wide organization that will disrupt the status quo and advance justice and opportunity for all. 


We endeavor to build justice ministries within and among our congregations and engage the faith community across the Big Bend to build authentic relationships so we can dismantle the oppressive local systems that have produced inequity, segregation, and the wealth gap between privileged and marginalized communities. 


CAJM Website

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