Jennifer Kopacz
Pastor Jenn seeks to proclaim the good news, and to empower others to share the love and mercy of God with their neighbors.
Dr. Leslie Heffner
Music Program Coordinator
With a voice so beautiful, she loves sharing her gift of music to lead others.
Lisa Rubin
Church Administration
Lisa has a masters degree in administration and plays a critical role in the day-to-day business operations of the church.
Dr. Cheryl Pieskee
Organ, Piano, Keyboard
Cheryl is a talented musician who shares her gifts with us as our accompanist, as well as in our larger community.
J. Frank Pate
Contemporary Song Leader
Frank brings years of experience to his role as song leader, and agrees with St. Augustine that "Singing is praying twice."
The Church
Congregational Council
Grace Lutheran Church Members are represented by a Congregational Council consisting of the Executive Committee and the Church Committee Chairs. Please feel free to contact any Council Member for praises and/or concerns. All members are welcome to the Council Meetings, held monthly.
The Executive Committee:
Jennifer Kopacz, Pastor
Randi Buehner, President
Teresa Wooten, Vice President
Janet McPherson, Secretary
Peggy Stevens, Treasurer
David Grant, Financial Secretary
The Church Committee Chairs:
Nick Gandy & Lori Ann Firehammer, Community Ministry & Outreach
Chair Needed, Christian Education
Mary Grant, Fellowship
Chair Needed, Marketing & Advertising
Elisa Casey, Property
Chair Needed, Stewardship & Finance
Karen Bradley, Worship & Music
Chair Needed, Youth